Crowcon Bump & Calibration Gas


At Crowcon, we understand our customer’s requirements. We now offer a full range of bump and calibration gas with a range of accessories for all your portable and fixed gas detector testing and calibration needs.

NEW! Making bump testing easier

Bump testing has always been a challenge for mobile users with the difficulties and cost of transporting gas and regulators. After listening to your needs, Crowcon have found a solution to make bump testing easier.

Crowcon’s Bump Gas Spray is a can that comes with a nozzle for easy testing of equipment. Simply attach the straw onto the nozzle and spray a small amount of gas into the unit’s calibration cap.

The unit will then go into alarm and show you that it is fully functional with audible and visual checks.


  • Certificate of conformity – for peace of mind, full compliance and actual gas values are shown on the cylinder
  • All cylinders come with Certificates of Analysis as standard – if you looses your certificate, Crowcon will have full traceability so we can get a copy of the certificate, giving you peace of mind.


  • Long shelf life for reactive gases – more bump and calibrations from the cylinder before it expires, therefore cost effective and reduces waste
  • Wide range of calibration gas – the convenience of having the gas you need to calibrate or bump test your fleet

User friendly

  • Fast shipment times – you have the right gas when you need it, no down-time


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